Saturday, April 03, 2010
Good friday
Ytd was good friday and work was extremely busy and it feels like it was much more busier than other other public holiday. Hasif did not turn up for work, which means we short of runner and Junming overslept so Agnes ask him not to come, which means we short of another fountain staff. So clever of her right? Everyone was running around to take order, serve water, send food, refill water, clear soiled dishes, clear tables, set tables. Time past extremely fast as we don't even have the time to keep track of it.
Station 3 was alright till customers leaves together. Its like as if they gang up to leave together. Lucky Sir yy stop the queue as we really cannot manage as another 2 staffs went back at 3 and they refuse to stay and help. So heartless right? Although even if they stay, they won't be of much help, but at least there is some. I swear if station 3 ppl went over to station 2 to help, they will have a hard time coming back to station 3. I really want to take my hats off to Kelly and Huda. After 3, most of the time it was only them running the whole station 1 and 2 as Yeyi went in fountatin to help as JM didn't come and Thana have to bill out all the bills.
Anyway Kelly and I was extended till 6 to help them as some of them have to go for break. Oh ya, Lucky Weiting came out at ard 4.30 to help when she was supposed to come out at 5. Idayu went for her short break and daniel went to help ard at station 2. So, Station 3 left with Weiting and me but it was fine as some time was given to us to settle down the station before I let sir yy to put ppl in. When the clock strike 6, I swear the both of us were really freaking tired. I were tired till I could hardly walk and I could barely raise my hands.
Met Thana outside and we made a quick decision on where to eat as we were all starving. Went White's Dog Cafe and it was much more quieter than our restaurant. Couldn't decide on Pork chop or chicken chop so I asked Thana she prefer P or C. Blah Blah Blah and Thana went off at ard 7. Went off to basement one for Yigloo yogurt with Kelly and we chose the same flavour- Wild berry and Original. The yogurt are fantastic and the price are reasonable as well. So go try it now if you have not done so.
Walked around as Kelly was shopping for her shoe, but when she decided to buy, they ran out of stock. Poor Kelly. Oh I mean Odelya. Then we headed to Daiso and Giant as Kelly went to buy some stuffs for her monthly supply. Ask me personally if you are curious to know wad she bought. Oh, and Kelly, I was laughing at your blog when u mentioned about stop laughing. And I seriously had an awesome and eyeopening shopping experience with you.
Oh ya, we stood outside of Earle's for like 5 to 10 mins? to see if they are surviving or not. Waited for Weiting to end work and walk down with her and we went to Bugis as Kelly's dad is driving us home. Went to look at the map to see how are we going to walk and I lead the way. Yeah, you never read this wrongly, I led the way. Kelly instinct tells her that we should walked through the building, but when we walked in further, its getting creepy and creepier so, we turned back. While walking, we saw churches, SMU, and Art Museum and we finally reached the destination. It was funny when Kelly didn't know there were ppl behind and she open the door.
And yup, FINALLY home sweet home. Was dead tired ytd that I feel like going to slp immediately.
Station 3 was alright till customers leaves together. Its like as if they gang up to leave together. Lucky Sir yy stop the queue as we really cannot manage as another 2 staffs went back at 3 and they refuse to stay and help. So heartless right? Although even if they stay, they won't be of much help, but at least there is some. I swear if station 3 ppl went over to station 2 to help, they will have a hard time coming back to station 3. I really want to take my hats off to Kelly and Huda. After 3, most of the time it was only them running the whole station 1 and 2 as Yeyi went in fountatin to help as JM didn't come and Thana have to bill out all the bills.
Anyway Kelly and I was extended till 6 to help them as some of them have to go for break. Oh ya, Lucky Weiting came out at ard 4.30 to help when she was supposed to come out at 5. Idayu went for her short break and daniel went to help ard at station 2. So, Station 3 left with Weiting and me but it was fine as some time was given to us to settle down the station before I let sir yy to put ppl in. When the clock strike 6, I swear the both of us were really freaking tired. I were tired till I could hardly walk and I could barely raise my hands.
Met Thana outside and we made a quick decision on where to eat as we were all starving. Went White's Dog Cafe and it was much more quieter than our restaurant. Couldn't decide on Pork chop or chicken chop so I asked Thana she prefer P or C. Blah Blah Blah and Thana went off at ard 7. Went off to basement one for Yigloo yogurt with Kelly and we chose the same flavour- Wild berry and Original. The yogurt are fantastic and the price are reasonable as well. So go try it now if you have not done so.
Walked around as Kelly was shopping for her shoe, but when she decided to buy, they ran out of stock. Poor Kelly. Oh I mean Odelya. Then we headed to Daiso and Giant as Kelly went to buy some stuffs for her monthly supply. Ask me personally if you are curious to know wad she bought. Oh, and Kelly, I was laughing at your blog when u mentioned about stop laughing. And I seriously had an awesome and eyeopening shopping experience with you.
Oh ya, we stood outside of Earle's for like 5 to 10 mins? to see if they are surviving or not. Waited for Weiting to end work and walk down with her and we went to Bugis as Kelly's dad is driving us home. Went to look at the map to see how are we going to walk and I lead the way. Yeah, you never read this wrongly, I led the way. Kelly instinct tells her that we should walked through the building, but when we walked in further, its getting creepy and creepier so, we turned back. While walking, we saw churches, SMU, and Art Museum and we finally reached the destination. It was funny when Kelly didn't know there were ppl behind and she open the door.
And yup, FINALLY home sweet home. Was dead tired ytd that I feel like going to slp immediately.
this heart of mine was broken at 23:16
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
Too exhausted to type anything.
Shall blog about today(friday) happening tml(saturday).
Shall blog about today(friday) happening tml(saturday).
this heart of mine was broken at 00:51
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Was trying to think of something to fool u guys, but I just can't think of any. 看来我只有被骗的分。Not long ago, I was being fooled by CS already. He tok so much, crap so much and I still believe him!! But this prove that I'm so innocent. Okay, pls dun vomit when u see this.
Moving on, I was crapping with Eileen and XR this few nights till Shuhui cannot take it. My lameness can only be use on them and I donno why. Got once while XR was taking his shower, I spam 11 messages to him. However, he was not surprised. But he thought he was on msn but actually is sms.
- Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: ok lahz i bomb the zoo then no more zoo ok?
✪ PANDAshuhui: -.-
Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: flewwwwwww bomb bomb bomb
XIANREN!: how you bomb?
- Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: good
✪ PANDAshuhui: SAVE ME!!!
- Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: helicopter is coming
XIANREN!: ops .should be *a snail*
- Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: *s snail*: Hi
XIANREN!:hello eileen the snail
eileen:*ouch* cactus dont come near me.. *ouch*
Haha.. I noe very lame but was funny lahz.
Well, Happy APRIL FOOL day!!
I said I put everything down already. But, have I?
Moving on, I was crapping with Eileen and XR this few nights till Shuhui cannot take it. My lameness can only be use on them and I donno why. Got once while XR was taking his shower, I spam 11 messages to him. However, he was not surprised. But he thought he was on msn but actually is sms.
- Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: ok lahz i bomb the zoo then no more zoo ok?
✪ PANDAshuhui: -.-
Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: flewwwwwww bomb bomb bomb
XIANREN!: how you bomb?
- Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: good
✪ PANDAshuhui: SAVE ME!!!
- Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: helicopter is coming
XIANREN!: ops .should be *a snail*
- Ŝ h ų Ħ û ą: *s snail*: Hi
XIANREN!:hello eileen the snail
eileen:*ouch* cactus dont come near me.. *ouch*
Haha.. I noe very lame but was funny lahz.
Well, Happy APRIL FOOL day!!
I said I put everything down already. But, have I?
this heart of mine was broken at 01:32
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Well, I'm not blogging about Malaysia trip, I'm blogging about ytd at T3 and some random stuffs at work.
Ytd, hmmm.. since now is 1.21am, so it should be the day before ytd, the same old clique went to T3 for their lunch. I think this is the donno how many times we went there already, and we can actually stay for more than 5 hrs chatting over there. I still remember we got Wal pie for free. :] Its time for me to start saving.. I will seriously start saving once sch reopen for *ahem ahem*. On the 14, which is a sun, met Kelly at cwp after our dinner to buy Idayu's present. We seriously had a HARD time thinking what to buy. So, we ended up buying some SS501 stuffs and a icecream soft toy and we spent like ard 1 hr plus to decide what to buy.
Had fisherman catch for lunch and I swear I will never eat that again. The worst thing is, they re fried the food again which cause everything to be so hard. After our lunch, the icecream cake was served. Yea, its Flamming Passion, but I still prefer Red Velvet coz it look nicer. :] At that moment, Idayu look stunned and we were all fooled by her!! She knew it all along and she was just playing along with us. We were supposed to surprise her but turn around, she surprised us instead. What a good actress, Idayu. After billing, we just couldn't decide where should we go, so we ended up sitting at kopitiam. Idayu still lives up to her character, full of rubbish and craziness. They left at around 6 plus but Kelly and I stayed coz she managed to psycho me to go for the youth meeting at church with them, but the condition I have is that they have to skip the singing part.
Oh ya, Kelly said she love me!! *shy* While waiting for the time to past and for the rest to came over and meet us, we went to ya kun for eggs, bread, coffee for me and tea for her. Being clever of me told her to eat the top while I eat the bottom coz I would definitely can't finish it.
During the service, I just kept messaging with Eileen, but I still got watch the performance, listen to their achievement, and the preaching. Well, the lady who won the beauty competition is my cousin and the 1 who went to compete overseas and won champion is my sis. HaHA XD The service ended quite late and we reached adm at around 12 plus midnight. They were hungry thus we went to mac but unfortunately, Mac was closed for cleaning. Lucky I wasn't hungry, surprise ya? And then home sweet home.
As for today, I mean ytd, went for work. Met Kelly at 2.30pm, and when I was telling her about some card thing, then I realized that I did not bring my micros card! This was not the 1st time I forget to bring already and I feel like I'm getting older already. The way we use to past time is really funny, we listed down some words and try pronouncing it.
During 5 to 6pm that period of time, Kelly was supposed to cover fountain as Hafiz went for break. Then got a moment Kelly hope that I will pass by so that she can tell me to go in and help. The yogurt machine was like so much easier to use and previous one, but the icecream was like so melt-y and so clever of me again to do the topping and Kelly scoop the icecream. And finally the storm is over. I think this was the 1st time both of us inside fountain together. :]
I like the customers today, eat fast and leave fast. There was this family wanted to come in, but when they saw us doing closing and no guests inside already, and he told Kelly that he chose not to come in coz if he comes in, we might go home late. What a nice guy. Oh ya, there was this cute little kid finding his mummy and started crying. Everyone of us literally laughed like hell. He is so adorable.
Floor finished closing at ard 10.10 or 10.15, and we went to help to close fountain. I was supposed to help to close fountain but well, I'm a noob at closing fountain. Luckily, his gf FOC and went in to help to close fountain. Everything was done at 10.35 and we sat down eating and drinking.
So happy that 1 Mexican and 1 Korean are working as well, if not Kelly and I will feel being ostracized. Hope that our plan works! Can't wait for the arrival of that day!! :]
Ytd, hmmm.. since now is 1.21am, so it should be the day before ytd, the same old clique went to T3 for their lunch. I think this is the donno how many times we went there already, and we can actually stay for more than 5 hrs chatting over there. I still remember we got Wal pie for free. :] Its time for me to start saving.. I will seriously start saving once sch reopen for *ahem ahem*. On the 14, which is a sun, met Kelly at cwp after our dinner to buy Idayu's present. We seriously had a HARD time thinking what to buy. So, we ended up buying some SS501 stuffs and a icecream soft toy and we spent like ard 1 hr plus to decide what to buy.
Had fisherman catch for lunch and I swear I will never eat that again. The worst thing is, they re fried the food again which cause everything to be so hard. After our lunch, the icecream cake was served. Yea, its Flamming Passion, but I still prefer Red Velvet coz it look nicer. :] At that moment, Idayu look stunned and we were all fooled by her!! She knew it all along and she was just playing along with us. We were supposed to surprise her but turn around, she surprised us instead. What a good actress, Idayu. After billing, we just couldn't decide where should we go, so we ended up sitting at kopitiam. Idayu still lives up to her character, full of rubbish and craziness. They left at around 6 plus but Kelly and I stayed coz she managed to psycho me to go for the youth meeting at church with them, but the condition I have is that they have to skip the singing part.
Oh ya, Kelly said she love me!! *shy* While waiting for the time to past and for the rest to came over and meet us, we went to ya kun for eggs, bread, coffee for me and tea for her. Being clever of me told her to eat the top while I eat the bottom coz I would definitely can't finish it.
During the service, I just kept messaging with Eileen, but I still got watch the performance, listen to their achievement, and the preaching. Well, the lady who won the beauty competition is my cousin and the 1 who went to compete overseas and won champion is my sis. HaHA XD The service ended quite late and we reached adm at around 12 plus midnight. They were hungry thus we went to mac but unfortunately, Mac was closed for cleaning. Lucky I wasn't hungry, surprise ya? And then home sweet home.
As for today, I mean ytd, went for work. Met Kelly at 2.30pm, and when I was telling her about some card thing, then I realized that I did not bring my micros card! This was not the 1st time I forget to bring already and I feel like I'm getting older already. The way we use to past time is really funny, we listed down some words and try pronouncing it.
During 5 to 6pm that period of time, Kelly was supposed to cover fountain as Hafiz went for break. Then got a moment Kelly hope that I will pass by so that she can tell me to go in and help. The yogurt machine was like so much easier to use and previous one, but the icecream was like so melt-y and so clever of me again to do the topping and Kelly scoop the icecream. And finally the storm is over. I think this was the 1st time both of us inside fountain together. :]
I like the customers today, eat fast and leave fast. There was this family wanted to come in, but when they saw us doing closing and no guests inside already, and he told Kelly that he chose not to come in coz if he comes in, we might go home late. What a nice guy. Oh ya, there was this cute little kid finding his mummy and started crying. Everyone of us literally laughed like hell. He is so adorable.
Floor finished closing at ard 10.10 or 10.15, and we went to help to close fountain. I was supposed to help to close fountain but well, I'm a noob at closing fountain. Luckily, his gf FOC and went in to help to close fountain. Everything was done at 10.35 and we sat down eating and drinking.
So happy that 1 Mexican and 1 Korean are working as well, if not Kelly and I will feel being ostracized. Hope that our plan works! Can't wait for the arrival of that day!! :]
this heart of mine was broken at 01:15
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
Friday, March 12, 2010
Days in Malaysia.
Went malaysia on the 8 of march to 11 of march.
8th march:
We reached at ard 2 plus and we went to walk ard the factory before we went back to CS's house. Initially we were supposed to eat at secret recipe but CS can't fnd any parking lot so we went to a restaurant at carrefour instead. Next, they wanted to watch movie but we just can't decide on which movie to watch as we have to watch movie at around 5. We went to the cinema and look as well but seems like we have no fate in watching movie, so we went to touch fish again as Jian Wee never been to there before.
This is the fish that we touched.

After reaching, we keep trying to touch the fish for luck and we went over to the 情人桥. This time round, we walked faster than the previous time and we even sit down and enjoy the breeze. We actually wanted to wait for sunset as the sun is setting soon, but due to safety we have to leave as there is no street lamp down the hill.
Then we went to a place and CS let XR drive his car for a few rounds, but can see that CS was very worried coz he keep asking XR not to drive too fast.
As for dinner, we went to a place near the seaside and CS parents treated us. But some of the stalls was not open, so we didn't get to eat stingray. So CS say we coming back on wed to eat coz no matter wad he wan Terence to eat stingray before letting him back to Singapore.
There are a few options on where to go next. But we ended up playing snooker. XR and JW 1 team, CS, T, JL another team and the result is 10 plus points VS 1 point. It was quite hilarious as they name the stick as 玩具. If you do not noe wad I'm toking about, I'm referring to the stick that u will use if it is too far. Then Terence will use it when the ball is actually so near and relunctant to use it when the ball is rather far. Weird guy right?
We called it a day after playing for 1 hr plus. Went back to CS's house and took turn to shower. Was playing with Eileen when the guys are not ard and Shuhui gave us a weird look. Round 1 *ding ding ding*
I think we are so "lucky" that suddenly there is no electricity. We went down to the living room to see what's happening, and thanks to Itouch, we have some light. It was so freaking hot without fan or aircon but we have no choice. CS told us that it only happen once in a few months. So, we are considered as very "lucky". The guys went up to their room as they say their room still feels cold, then shortly after, we went up as well. But after realising, we have to take note if there is any burglar came in and there is no 1 at the living room, we went down again. After around 30 mins, the electricity are back. We are consider as lucky again coz CS says normally it took them around 2 hrs to reach and fix the cable.
Then we finally go to bed as we have to wake up at 5 as the driver is fetching us at 6.
End of day 1.
More pics to be uploaded for the next few days.
Arranged to meet at CWP at 12noon as the uncles who driving us there will be reaching at that time. But as usual, he was late. So, the guys came over to cwp mac to meet us from civic library. Terence and Jian Wee went to sit on the 4 seater car while Eileen, Shuhui, Xian Ren, Jian Lee and me sat on the 7 seater car. Oh ya, CS's cousin was in the 7 seater car as well. Eileen and me took the back seats and it is damn cramp. Throughout the whole journey, I mean most of the time, the 2 of us keep toking about ghost stories but lucky we tok abt it in broad daylight.
This is the fish that we touched.
After reaching, we keep trying to touch the fish for luck and we went over to the 情人桥. This time round, we walked faster than the previous time and we even sit down and enjoy the breeze. We actually wanted to wait for sunset as the sun is setting soon, but due to safety we have to leave as there is no street lamp down the hill.
Then we went to a place and CS let XR drive his car for a few rounds, but can see that CS was very worried coz he keep asking XR not to drive too fast.
As for dinner, we went to a place near the seaside and CS parents treated us. But some of the stalls was not open, so we didn't get to eat stingray. So CS say we coming back on wed to eat coz no matter wad he wan Terence to eat stingray before letting him back to Singapore.
There are a few options on where to go next. But we ended up playing snooker. XR and JW 1 team, CS, T, JL another team and the result is 10 plus points VS 1 point. It was quite hilarious as they name the stick as 玩具. If you do not noe wad I'm toking about, I'm referring to the stick that u will use if it is too far. Then Terence will use it when the ball is actually so near and relunctant to use it when the ball is rather far. Weird guy right?
We called it a day after playing for 1 hr plus. Went back to CS's house and took turn to shower. Was playing with Eileen when the guys are not ard and Shuhui gave us a weird look. Round 1 *ding ding ding*
I think we are so "lucky" that suddenly there is no electricity. We went down to the living room to see what's happening, and thanks to Itouch, we have some light. It was so freaking hot without fan or aircon but we have no choice. CS told us that it only happen once in a few months. So, we are considered as very "lucky". The guys went up to their room as they say their room still feels cold, then shortly after, we went up as well. But after realising, we have to take note if there is any burglar came in and there is no 1 at the living room, we went down again. After around 30 mins, the electricity are back. We are consider as lucky again coz CS says normally it took them around 2 hrs to reach and fix the cable.
Then we finally go to bed as we have to wake up at 5 as the driver is fetching us at 6.
End of day 1.
More pics to be uploaded for the next few days.
this heart of mine was broken at 22:23
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Happening day
This post is actually an overdue post. Since right now I have the mood to post, I shall post the happening quickly.
On Tues, which marks the end of exams which means the start of holiday, we went to Saizeriya, an Italian restaurant at Liang court. But the irony is that, on the previous day, someone send us a message saying we going to a Japanese restaurant. Initially when we went in, they like didn't on the aircon, so we requested them to on it. But the moment the wairtress on, there was strong wind. We think that they only got 2 mode, which is on or extremely strong. Had Ribeye and 1st time trying medium for doneness but it still taste not bad to me although will still see red blood.
Took pictures ard before we left.
Next, we deicded to go Kranji for prawning. We went Clarke Quay frm dover and frm CLarke Quay to Yew Tee. Fun ar? Went Clarke Quay just for 1 meal. When we reached Kranji Farm, we were told that the prawning area was closed for renovation and is just a recent thing. So, we had no choice but to walk ard and think where else we can go. In the end, we went to Eileen's house as there was no other option.
We went to her house to watch tv, gamble and finish the food that we bought. But but but, I didn't gamble ok? I was playing with CS's dsl. As shuhui dun let me take pictures of her, I have no choice but to keep taking photos of Eileen. And she keep complaining that she smile till numb but I dun care, I just keep taking and taking. Hehe..=x Then at the later part, we went to nearby coffee shop and eat. After eating, we went home and this is where the most happening thing on that day happened.
While walking to the MRT station, we saw a lady talking through the phone loudly. Then, we went the the road and we tot she just wanted to jay walk, but she actually stood at the middle of the road and keep asking the cars to bang her. Then, a malay guy trying to pull her and control the traffic at the same time. Brave man right? Immediately, we called the police. Then another malay guy went to help by pulling her back to the pathway, but end up, they both fall down on the road. This lady was so strong can? And she is waering high heels.
Slowly, more and more ppl went to help. As no cars would want to bang onto her and get themselves into trouble, the lady went to bang herself onto one incoming car which has stopped instead. Next moment, she fell down, and everyone carry her to the side. After around 2o mins, the police finally came. When the lady was inside the police car, she still keep kicking the door till she managed to get out. And the police even ask for backup. After XR leave the statement, we finally went off.
OMG! can't believe the draft is still here. Coz when i wanted to publish it, the internet was having problem so no matter how i disconnect and connect again, it just dun load, so i gave up. and if dun have the draft, i won't type again.
ok thats all.
On Tues, which marks the end of exams which means the start of holiday, we went to Saizeriya, an Italian restaurant at Liang court. But the irony is that, on the previous day, someone send us a message saying we going to a Japanese restaurant. Initially when we went in, they like didn't on the aircon, so we requested them to on it. But the moment the wairtress on, there was strong wind. We think that they only got 2 mode, which is on or extremely strong. Had Ribeye and 1st time trying medium for doneness but it still taste not bad to me although will still see red blood.
Took pictures ard before we left.
Next, we deicded to go Kranji for prawning. We went Clarke Quay frm dover and frm CLarke Quay to Yew Tee. Fun ar? Went Clarke Quay just for 1 meal. When we reached Kranji Farm, we were told that the prawning area was closed for renovation and is just a recent thing. So, we had no choice but to walk ard and think where else we can go. In the end, we went to Eileen's house as there was no other option.
We went to her house to watch tv, gamble and finish the food that we bought. But but but, I didn't gamble ok? I was playing with CS's dsl. As shuhui dun let me take pictures of her, I have no choice but to keep taking photos of Eileen. And she keep complaining that she smile till numb but I dun care, I just keep taking and taking. Hehe..=x Then at the later part, we went to nearby coffee shop and eat. After eating, we went home and this is where the most happening thing on that day happened.
While walking to the MRT station, we saw a lady talking through the phone loudly. Then, we went the the road and we tot she just wanted to jay walk, but she actually stood at the middle of the road and keep asking the cars to bang her. Then, a malay guy trying to pull her and control the traffic at the same time. Brave man right? Immediately, we called the police. Then another malay guy went to help by pulling her back to the pathway, but end up, they both fall down on the road. This lady was so strong can? And she is waering high heels.
Slowly, more and more ppl went to help. As no cars would want to bang onto her and get themselves into trouble, the lady went to bang herself onto one incoming car which has stopped instead. Next moment, she fell down, and everyone carry her to the side. After around 2o mins, the police finally came. When the lady was inside the police car, she still keep kicking the door till she managed to get out. And the police even ask for backup. After XR leave the statement, we finally went off.
OMG! can't believe the draft is still here. Coz when i wanted to publish it, the internet was having problem so no matter how i disconnect and connect again, it just dun load, so i gave up. and if dun have the draft, i won't type again.
ok thats all.
this heart of mine was broken at 14:40
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Dinner at Cara's house
I'm simply too bored thus I came to blog abt ytd.
After Fom, Eileen went to sumbit her form with her friend. As they wanted to meet at 6pm, thus me and Shuhui have no idea how to spend the time, thus we decided to go home.
After reaching home, I use my laptop then Kelly, Jiaen, Cheryl and Meichuin came over to my house. There was no entertainment in my house and they didn't bring any movie over, so we were all very bored. And this jiaen cause the clothes to fall.. She like come my house to inspect like that.. see got any changes in my house since the last time she came. I still can rmb why she came over to my house the previous time. She came becoz she wanted to buy vodka frm me, she she came over to take! wad a drinker..
Then we started playing poker. The loser will have to eat fish cracker, then slowly change to eat " ji dan juan". When playing the last round, meichuin says no 1 can help the loser to eat, but in the end she turns out to be the loser, so she have to ate finish 5 or 6 of it. Then jiaen and kelly keep taking frm the tin and eat saying they feel like eating but meichuin say cannot help so they have to choice but to take frm the tin. And thanks to them, most of it is gone.
Ard 5 plus, went out frm home to start travelling to Cara's house. Eileen asked me where m I, and since she going over as well, she waited for me at Yew Tee. So clever of her to board the train without seeing whether I'm in the train or not. Waited for Shuhui at clementi for a while and we went over to NTUC to meet the rest. After buying for the food, we waited for the shuttle bus to Cara's condo.
Her condo is the best condo I had ever seen and her unit cost 1million. That is so rich of her family! Went to view her house and saw 2 air condition in her living rm, 3 televisions, 3 SCVs, her beautiful master bedroom and many more. And i like her sofa, so damn comfortable till Eileen say she wan to slp. Then Shuhui use her phone and keep taking pics.
While Aylward started cooking her spaghetti, we boil the water and add the eh, chicken and tomyam cube into the water. Then finally we can start eating after starving for so long. For ur notice, I feel hungry the moment I reached home frm school. The food is wonderfull, esp the beef, the beef is damn ex. But only a few of us eat becoz the rest are betting on scoccer and they went to temply to pray, so they insist on not eating the beef. So the chicken soup is to cook the beef and CS keep nagging at us not to drip at the tom yam soup there.
After dinner, we started playing poker cards. I keep on win and lose, no luck at all. Then when I earn 60 cents, I bet all for the last round, and YEAH! I won!! If I not wrong, majority of them won. Before we leave, we ate the cake that Cara's parents bought for us. The cake was bought at swiss hotel, and it was nice, but I just dun like the grape.
Went off at around 11.30. While walking towards the bus stop, Eileen was grabbing me coz she so scared, and she was telling me abt the red house and cause my leg to turn soft. While at the bus interchange, we wasn't sure if there is still train available, but when shuhui heard the sound of the train coming, she was so excited. As we saw the train towards ang mo kio is arriving in 1 min, we quickly dash in as we all though it was the last train. And Yeah! we made it, but actually the train we are boarding is 2nd last train. It was a long time since I ran, and made everyone out of breathe..
While walking home was kind of scared actually, coz it was so quiet and thanks to eileen telling me the story which makes me keep thinking abt it. Initially, Kelly ask me to tell her abt it on the next morning, but curiousity kills cat, end up I told her when she on the bed.
Ps. no photos to be uploaded coz other than the 2 cleaning robots, I didn't take any other photos.
After Fom, Eileen went to sumbit her form with her friend. As they wanted to meet at 6pm, thus me and Shuhui have no idea how to spend the time, thus we decided to go home.
After reaching home, I use my laptop then Kelly, Jiaen, Cheryl and Meichuin came over to my house. There was no entertainment in my house and they didn't bring any movie over, so we were all very bored. And this jiaen cause the clothes to fall.. She like come my house to inspect like that.. see got any changes in my house since the last time she came. I still can rmb why she came over to my house the previous time. She came becoz she wanted to buy vodka frm me, she she came over to take! wad a drinker..
Then we started playing poker. The loser will have to eat fish cracker, then slowly change to eat " ji dan juan". When playing the last round, meichuin says no 1 can help the loser to eat, but in the end she turns out to be the loser, so she have to ate finish 5 or 6 of it. Then jiaen and kelly keep taking frm the tin and eat saying they feel like eating but meichuin say cannot help so they have to choice but to take frm the tin. And thanks to them, most of it is gone.
Ard 5 plus, went out frm home to start travelling to Cara's house. Eileen asked me where m I, and since she going over as well, she waited for me at Yew Tee. So clever of her to board the train without seeing whether I'm in the train or not. Waited for Shuhui at clementi for a while and we went over to NTUC to meet the rest. After buying for the food, we waited for the shuttle bus to Cara's condo.
Her condo is the best condo I had ever seen and her unit cost 1million. That is so rich of her family! Went to view her house and saw 2 air condition in her living rm, 3 televisions, 3 SCVs, her beautiful master bedroom and many more. And i like her sofa, so damn comfortable till Eileen say she wan to slp. Then Shuhui use her phone and keep taking pics.
While Aylward started cooking her spaghetti, we boil the water and add the eh, chicken and tomyam cube into the water. Then finally we can start eating after starving for so long. For ur notice, I feel hungry the moment I reached home frm school. The food is wonderfull, esp the beef, the beef is damn ex. But only a few of us eat becoz the rest are betting on scoccer and they went to temply to pray, so they insist on not eating the beef. So the chicken soup is to cook the beef and CS keep nagging at us not to drip at the tom yam soup there.
After dinner, we started playing poker cards. I keep on win and lose, no luck at all. Then when I earn 60 cents, I bet all for the last round, and YEAH! I won!! If I not wrong, majority of them won. Before we leave, we ate the cake that Cara's parents bought for us. The cake was bought at swiss hotel, and it was nice, but I just dun like the grape.
Went off at around 11.30. While walking towards the bus stop, Eileen was grabbing me coz she so scared, and she was telling me abt the red house and cause my leg to turn soft. While at the bus interchange, we wasn't sure if there is still train available, but when shuhui heard the sound of the train coming, she was so excited. As we saw the train towards ang mo kio is arriving in 1 min, we quickly dash in as we all though it was the last train. And Yeah! we made it, but actually the train we are boarding is 2nd last train. It was a long time since I ran, and made everyone out of breathe..
While walking home was kind of scared actually, coz it was so quiet and thanks to eileen telling me the story which makes me keep thinking abt it. Initially, Kelly ask me to tell her abt it on the next morning, but curiousity kills cat, end up I told her when she on the bed.
Ps. no photos to be uploaded coz other than the 2 cleaning robots, I didn't take any other photos.
this heart of mine was broken at 21:57
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I found something very funny in my com today!!
Haha.. if i nv remember wrongly, this video was taken a few years back.
Haha.. if i nv remember wrongly, this video was taken a few years back.
this heart of mine was broken at 17:35
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart
0 people tried to mend this shattered heart